Wing rib ~ Bottle opener

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Another unique goodie from GGB.

I have a rather large project on the go at the moment which requires aircraft wing ribs cutting out. I figured that if I shrank the file then they would make rather cool key fob dangly things ! I knocked up some in bamboo  ( now listed ) and posted on social media. A chap in the US said stick a bottle opener on the end and Im in !!

So, thats what I did. I drew up multiple proto files and did lots of experiments with the opener end. I have two versions on offer, one with the bottle opener end and the other with just a rounded end.

Fobs are made from 304 stainless steel. They are 3mm wide and 115mm long and come complete with wire ring which is unscrew-able allowing you to fit easily to any of your existing fobs.

100% UK manufactured 

A really great product and as with a lot of my stuff, unique !