A small selection of builders that I admire and inspire me to try harder!
Just WOW !
Mark Turner makes the most amazing telescopes.
The aesthetics are just spot on for my taste. A stunning blend of old school, steam-punk and modern tech. A builder that inspires me to do better !
Not only does Mark use the best optics for his scopes, they truly are unique in their manufacture and styling.
Salivate over some images here and shoot over to Marks website for more delicious scope porn and information.

PSM Scale Models
Absolutely fantastic scale model builder across the channel in France.
Every nut, bolt wire and feature perfect in everyway. Panel work hand formed over custom made moulds etc.
David Glen made this incredible model Spitfire which now sits on display at the Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon.
A masterpiece in model engineering.
David produced a book which details methods of construction and is filled with some really lovely images of this icon aircraft ‘in build’.