The Whittle W.1X is notable in that it was the first British Jet engine to fly. The engine first flew in 1941 from RAF Cranwell in a Gloster Meteor.
I’m aiming to make a model of this historic engine as the next big shed build. I estimate that it will around 30 inches long when finished. Naturally I’m hoping to make the very best model I can to do this engine justice !
Check back here and my Instagram account for updates. This will be a long build. Start date 14 September 2022.
First three images are what I am aiming for. Subsequent images will be build update.
To a lot of people its a just a dirty old engine, some have asked WHY ? Engineering like this I see as art. This is not a commission piece, I’m building this for the pure enjoyment of the build and the challenge.
The engine will feature a spinning compressor and turbine section though it wont run.
First metal. Let the madness commence :-0
Basic test fit of what will be the aluminium rings.
I had these domes custom made for the engine.
Clean up & confirming diameter
Clean up & confirming diameter
Proto wooden rings prior to making in aluminium.
I bought a TIG welding plant - I dont have a clue how to weld !
Lots of rings to weld up !
Ring skim to size
All rings welded to respective parts.
Manufactured 10 connecting tubes
Mock up of fit position
Initial fit of the connecting tubes
In the workshop
Looking around the parts
I obviously dont have a W.1X to hand but using Fusion 360 I can pick and dissect the engine in its CAD version allowing me to look around the various components and how they fit together.
This tool will prove invaluable on the build.
While doing some research for the Whittle Engine I came across Venkatesh Lokhande. Venkatesh excels in digital rendering as a 3D artist and kindly sent me the files to his Whittle engine for me to load into my CAD package and ‘look around’. This is a massive help, being able to take parts off and on will help significantly in the build of this model. Check out Venkatesh’s work by hitting the tab below. Beautiful work.